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It is made of two combined cylindrical shells in V shape. Materials move up and down due to the weight and centrifugal forces while rotating the shell.
Collected and dispersed at the combined area continuously, materials are mixed rapidly. 
When a intensifying bar is fitted up to cut, crush and mix congregative materials, it provides homogeneous mixing result with uniform dispersion over the whole mixing area


Body made of stainless steel, inner and outer polished walls
Consists of V-type cylinders of different altitudes Through mechanical 
transmission the materials in these cylinders are made to move back and forth and turn over, repeatedly (achieving uniform mixing).
No blind angles in the cylinders (no accumulation of materials).
High speed, and short mixing time.
Simple structure and easy maintenance.
Easy cleaning.



Working Volume (L)

Capacity (KG)
Actual Weight Count
of Density: 0.6

 Pattern Size
(W x L x H) mm

20 8 - 12 5 - 8 860 x 930 x 1310
100 40 - 60 24 - 36 1320 x 1400 x 1650
300 120 - 180 70 - 110 1800 x 1850 x 2500
600 240 - 360 140 - 210 2000 x 2050 x 2500
1000 400 - 600 240 - 360 2340 x 2400 x 3030
1500 600 - 900 360 - 540 2800 x 2900 x 3200
2000 800 - 1200 480 - 720 3200 x 3500  x3700


       KDY-DM Double Cone Mixer             KDY-TM Tumbling Mixer

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