

EN ISO  ,  CE  , KD ISO and CE

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KDM-920 笆綯鹅杆の舶杆舶诀

The KDM-920 is a compact combination set of automatic blister packing machine ( Model: KDB-120 ) & automatic cartoning machine ( Model: KDM-900 ).
This machine starts its production of blister packaging products then inserted into the automatic cartoning machine for final pack products.
All outer casing of the machine are all made of stainless steel.
PLC and Touch-screen Control, equip with smart detecting systems.
No Product detected then no carton will open.
No Carton detected then no leaflet inserted.
If Carton & Leaflet are absence then it automatically stop.
If no Product & Leaflet loaded into carton then it auto reject.
If blister integration magazine is fully loaded then the products will be transfer to the reserve container without stopping the operations of the blister and cartoning machines.
KDM-900 can be combined with Blister or Bottle packaging production line.
For Blister Machine Technical Data, please refer to our KDB-120 Technical Specs.
For Cartoning Machine Technical Data, please refer to our KDM-900 Technical Specs.

                 OPERATION SEQUENCE :


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E-mail:kd033512@gmail.com (谅荡約/崩綪獺)

筿杠02-29713333 肚痷02-29826645

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